What does diffuse glass do?
The aim of using diffuse glass in a greenhouse is to produce more scattered light which can then penetrate deeper into the crop canopy. This will then allow the plant to use more of the available light for production.Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture (WUR) in Holland has carried out a considerable amount of research into the use of diffuse glass and they are the leading source of independent information on the topic.
The results of the work carried out at WUR so far can be summarised as follows:
• There is no shadow; and light is distributed more evenly among the plants in a greenhouse with diffuse glass. This gives a more even greenhouse climate and higherproduction. They conclude that this is true in all crops.
• Light also penetrates deeper into all crops.
• The plant temperature at the top of the crop in strong sunlight is lower than under traditional glass.
• On average fruit was bigger on salad crops grown under diffuse glass (classic round tomato 8.5g, cucumber 10-15g).
• The quantity of harvested fruit increased, particularly in cucumber.
• Overall, increases in production of between 5% and 11% were recorded in tomato and cucumber.
• Pot plants were heavier.
• The time to market was 25% shorter for Chrysanthemum and 40% shorter for Anthurium.
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