Construction and application of intelligent glass greenhouse

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Construction and application of intelligent glass greenhouse

In general, intelligent glass greenhouse is used to grow vegetables or raise seedlings. With the rapid development of modern agricultural technology, intelligent glass greenhouse is used in many fields and has more development forms. It is not difficult to understand that intelligent glass greenhouse literally exists, and on-site data can be collected in real time by computer, It can not only be used in scientific research and on-site education of nature, but also build entertainment places to realize full-time and full-season leisure play. It can also rely on the Internet of things to conduct remote live broadcasting and introduce the product production process to the outside world in real time, so as to pave the way for the future market.

glass greenhouse

Intelligent glass greenhouse

With the advent of modern information technology, 4G technology and 5g, farm live broadcasting can understand the information of crop growth and the planting process. More interaction between rural and urban areas in an on-site manner. Because the intelligent glass greenhouse has a strong ability to simulate the environment and can obtain the data of each stage through the technical guidelines of the Internet of things, the construction of high-tech test base is realized. Provide strong support for the construction of high-tech experimental base. Through the constant temperature and intelligent characteristics of the intelligent glass greenhouse, the agricultural sightseeing exhibition is formed in the form of high-tech agriculture, sightseeing agriculture and agricultural exhibition in the transparent large space greenhouse. "Intelligent glass greenhouse" is a modern cultivation environment integrating data acquisition, central computing and automatic equipment control. High tech intelligent glass greenhouse is based on the Internet of things greenhouse environmental monitoring. Generally, it needs to be equipped with movable skylight, movable sunshade system, thermal insulation materials, wet curtain, fan, sprinkler irrigation, mobile seedbed and other highly automated equipment.

In particular, the labor cost can be reduced. In the process of using the intelligent glass greenhouse, the user inputs the data about plant growth factors into the computer, so that there is no need for personnel to manage, realize automatic operation, automatically control the temperature in the greenhouse, and better ensure the growth of crops; In scientific research, the computer can also collect various data for statistics, so as to provide basis and reliable experimental data for future research.