2-What is the Purpose of Your Greenhouse?

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2-What is the Purpose of Your Greenhouse?

The first step in defining your greenhouse project needs is to get clear on the purpose of your facility. Understanding the intended immediate and future uses of the building will help you design a functional, flexible greenhouse that will serve you for years to come.


Production or research? First things first is your greenhouse going to be used for production or research purposes? While, on the surface, it may seem like there is not much difference between the two, experienced professionals understand that the specifications for research greenhouses can be extremely intense, much more so than their production counterparts. Production greenhouses are usually large continuous spaces, while research greenhouses are divided into multiple smaller spaces for different experiments. While production greenhouses control the growing environment, they are more forgiving about deviations than research greenhouses, which could require tight control of environmental variables.


Research purpose: The purpose of the research being conducted can also impact the design of your greenhouse. If you are performing crop protection research, you may only need a greenhouse that can contain plants for a few weeks to determine the effectiveness of your chemical or biological product. If your research greenhouse is intended to harvest seeds for trait development, you need to optimize your greenhouse for the full growth cycle of your crop.


Biological Containment Level: The type of research you are performing, may determine the containment level of the greenhouse. From BSL-1P to BSL-4P, the design of the greenhouse will be greatly impacted by these requirements.

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The diffuse glass and AR-coated diffuse glass produced by Yuhua have cooperated with many large commercial greenhouses in agriculture, horticulture, nurseries and experiments. We have cooperated with large greenhouse project companies such as Havecon, Van Der Hoeven, Kubo, etc. for many years. Yuhua greenhouse glass has a light transmittance of up to 99%, and haze 5/10/20/30/50/70/75 greenhouse diffuse glass is available!


Need more detailed information or a solution of greenhouse glass? Need guidance on how to choose the right glass for your greenhouse?


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Next article- What is the Location for Your Greenhouse?