The difference between Yuhua tempered glass and ordinary glass

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The difference between Yuhua tempered glass and ordinary glass

The most common types of glass we come into contact with in life can be roughly divided into two types, one is ordinary glass and the other is tempered glass. Tempered glass and ordinary glass are only slightly different in terms of safety.


Let's first talk about how to distinguish the major categories of glass



According to the strength of the glass, it can be divided into ordinary glass and tempered glass


According to the light transmittance of the glass, it can be divided into ordinary glass and ultra-white glass


According to the surface of the glass, it can be divided into ordinary glass and embossed glass


The following focuses on the difference between ordinary glass and tempered glass.


Definition of ordinary glass: Ordinary glass refers to a colorless, transparent, high hardness, uniform thickness, and low-cost glass material.


Definition of tempered glass: After the original glass is produced, it is tempered to increase its structural strength.


There is no difference in the composition of tempered glass and ordinary glass. The only difference is [internal stress]. We can understand ordinary glass as a regular square grid. Tempered glass is composed of irregular shapes. Different blocks form a state similar to the mortise and tenon structure, with higher internal connection strength and higher safety;


Tempered glass is a deep-processed product of ordinary glass. Most ordinary glass can be tempered to increase the strength of the glass.


The uses of different glass strengths are also different. Ordinary glass can be used on the windows of low-rise buildings by adding some thickness, while tempered glass is required for high-rise buildings.


The glass industry has developed to this day, from the original float glass to various types of glass now, there are corresponding products to choose from.


The glass used in greenhouses is more special. It not only requires high light transmittance, but also requires haze embossing, and the glass surface needs to be hydrophilic. Only with such glass materials can the greenhouses built achieve high crop yields.

The light transmittance of Yuhua greenhouse glass can be as high as 99%, and there are 8 haze options including 5/10/20/30/40/50/70/75. Yuhua® also supplies glass to greenhouse project companies such as Havecon, Kubo and Van Der Hoeven. For more information, please contact us at
